Halomod - Forum pour Halo trial full CE
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voila mon problème quand je lance sapien il s'ouvre normalement mes des que je clique avec la souris sur la map pour la faire bouger il se faire directement .
debug =
01.29.13 22:21:58 sapien pc ----------------------------------------------
01.29.13 22:21:58 reference function: _write_to_error_file
01.29.13 22:21:58 reference address: 401b13
01.29.13 22:21:58 Couldn't read map file './sapienbeta.map'
01.29.13 22:21:58 CreateDevice succeeded with refresh rate = 0
01.29.13 22:21:59 Initializing 10 button 5 axis 1 pov joystick 'XBOX 360 For Windows (Controller)'
01.29.13 22:21:59 Successfully initialized device axis 258 instance number 1 - Axe Y to range [-4096,4096]
01.29.13 22:21:59 Successfully initialized device axis 2 instance number 0 - Axe X to range [-4096,4096]
01.29.13 22:21:59 Successfully initialized device axis 1026 instance number 4 - Rotation Y to range [-4096,4096]
01.29.13 22:21:59 Successfully initialized device axis 770 instance number 3 - Rotation X to range [-4096,4096]
01.29.13 22:21:59 Successfully initialized device axis 514 instance number 2 - Axe Z to range [-4096,4096]
01.29.13 22:21:59 Successfully initialized device button 4 instance number 0 - Bouton 0
01.29.13 22:21:59 Successfully initialized device button 260 instance number 1 - Bouton 1
01.29.13 22:21:59 Successfully initialized device button 516 instance number 2 - Bouton 2
01.29.13 22:21:59 Successfully initialized device button 772 instance number 3 - Bouton 3
01.29.13 22:21:59 Successfully initialized device button 1028 instance number 4 - Bouton 4
01.29.13 22:21:59 Successfully initialized device button 1284 instance number 5 - Bouton 5
01.29.13 22:21:59 Successfully initialized device button 1540 instance number 6 - Bouton 6
01.29.13 22:21:59 Successfully initialized device button 1796 instance number 7 - Bouton 7
01.29.13 22:21:59 Successfully initialized device button 2052 instance number 8 - Bouton 8
01.29.13 22:21:59 Successfully initialized device button 2308 instance number 9 - Bouton 9
01.29.13 22:21:59 Successfully initialized device POV 16 instance number 0 - Commande de pouce to range [-4096,4096]
01.29.13 22:21:59 Could not initialize unknown device object 192 instance number 0 - Collection 0 - Boîtier de commande
01.29.13 22:21:59 Could not initialize unknown device object 448 instance number 1 - Collection 1
01.29.13 22:21:59 Could not initialize unknown device object 704 instance number 2 - Collection 2
01.29.13 22:21:59 Could not initialize unknown device object 960 instance number 3 - Collection 3
01.29.13 22:21:59 Sound card doesn't meet minimum hardware requirements. Disabling hardware option.
01.29.13 22:21:59 Increasing sound decompression buffer size to 1048576 bytes
01.29.13 22:22:01 WARNING: 1 clusters in structure_bsp levels\teste\teste have no background sound or sound environment.
01.29.13 22:22:01 local player 0, weapon (0x0), deleted unexpectedly
01.29.13 22:22:03 EAX: 0x00000000
01.29.13 22:22:03 EBX: 0x0000E001
01.29.13 22:22:03 ECX: 0x00000000
01.29.13 22:22:03 EDX: 0x00000000
01.29.13 22:22:03 EDI: 0x0018F2C8
01.29.13 22:22:03 ESI: 0x00000000
01.29.13 22:22:03 EBP: 0x0018F1A0
01.29.13 22:22:03 ESP: 0x0018F190
01.29.13 22:22:03 EIP: 0x77530C22, 83 C4 04 C2 ?????
01.29.13 22:22:03 EXCEPTION halt in \halopc\haloce\source\cseries\profile.c,#442: parent_timesection->self_msec >= child_timesection->elapsed_msec
Hors ligne
Cela signifie qu'une manette de jeu est branchée, il vous suffit donc de la débrancher car les joysticks créent des interférences sur Sapien.
pour plus d'informations:
http://gaighermod.free.fr/nk/index.php? … ead_id=460
Hors ligne